March 24th Fishing Report

March 24th Fishing Report

Posted by Jeff Gray on

Good morning rainy fishy folks. Have you seen the new 2 person NRS Approach? It will get you into those sneaky spots know one else can get to. But enough of that already, I bet you are all wondering about the Skwala fishing. I’m here to tell you it’s happening throughout the entire river system. We had a push of water last week, now that it’s had time to stabilize the fish are back to their regularly scheduled program. With the extra water in the system, the fish will be more spread out and into different lanes. Look for the smaller Numora Stonefly to make a big impact in you fishing arsenal as well. March Browns, BWO’s and Ameletus are on their way as well. Keep a sharp eye out for new obstructions, so far the river is pretty clear and obstruction free, for the most part. Stay safe, we’ll see you on the water.

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River Report

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April 5th Fishing Report

Jeff Gray
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March 30th Fishing Report

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Jeff Gray
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