August 12th Rock Creek Fishing Report

August 12th Rock Creek Fishing Report

Posted by Jeff Gray on

Current Fishing Conditions Rating: 8/10

Current Stream Flows: 238 CFS Near Clinton

Here is the latest restrictions from FWP:

Hoot owl restrictions (2:00 p.m. to midnight) are in effect for Rock Creek​ from Stoney Creek to the confluence of the West Fork Rock Creek and Middle Fork Rock Creek (formation of Rock Creek) beginning July 24.

Flow measured at USGS Station near mouth.

Rock Creek discharge is dropping steadily and maximum daily water temperatures were above the cutthroat trout criteria of 66 degrees F in excess of 3 days in the previous week.  While water temps did drop below criteria for a couple of days (potentially due to smoke), we expect the temperatures to again exceed 66 degrees with the current forecast of 100F degree days in valley bottoms for the next several days.  Streamflows continue to decline and above average daily air temperatures are forecasted for at least the next week. 

Current weather forecast includes continued hot weather pattern (daily highs generally > 100F in valley bottoms the next several days then greater than 90F the rest of the week), dropping river discharge levels, and no significant precipitation.

The Creek has been fishing well. Lots of terrestrial action and plenty of fish to keep the wade angler busy. Look for the upper reaches or the Forks to fish the best with the colder water. We are waiting for the late summer/early fall hatches to start, but the fish are becoming more active each day. 

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